Sunday, May 19, 2013

Team Legans wins paintball battle.

The guys took a break from the hardwood and went to the EWU paintball course for some fun. In an intense series of capture the flag Coach Legan's team took out Coach Ehlo's team 4-2 on a final flag run by Tyler Harvey.
Coach Ehlo planning his team's all-out flag run (brave effort, but everyone got hit)
The barricades couldn't hide Big Fred
Venky Jois gets in the zone before the game
Team Ehlo before the first game of the series


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The guys took a break from the hardwood and went to the EWU paintball course for some fun. In an intense series of capture the karting flag Coach Legan's team took out Coach Ehlo's team 4-2 on a final flag run by Tyler Harvey.

  3. In an intense series of capture the flag Coach Legan's team took out Coach Ehlo's team 4-2 on a final flag run by Tyler Harvey.
